The jackhammer has forced its way into the foundation. Now the house is unsafe (maybe it will even fall apart).
Federalism (the proper and historic understanding of the word) is under attack. The states, which gave birth to the central government, are now subjects of rebellion from that which it formed (the child has turned on its parents). And the nation is disintegrating. It's in shock.
Folks need to protect themselves; the more who do, the less the impact.
Use your available money to buy some self-sufficiency. Be able to sustain yourselves in what looks like bad times 'a-comin'. There's plenty of room in Texas; and East Texas has it all: trees, water, beauty..... If you aren't here yet, there still may be time.
Call me; or email me at
Federalism (the proper and historic understanding of the word) is under attack. The states, which gave birth to the central government, are now subjects of rebellion from that which it formed (the child has turned on its parents). And the nation is disintegrating. It's in shock.
Folks need to protect themselves; the more who do, the less the impact.
Use your available money to buy some self-sufficiency. Be able to sustain yourselves in what looks like bad times 'a-comin'. There's plenty of room in Texas; and East Texas has it all: trees, water, beauty..... If you aren't here yet, there still may be time.
Call me; or email me at