I've changed agencies and location, but I'm still in business; and I'm back to writing in this blog. Hopefully many of my readers will return. Thank you for years of loyalty. This realty blog has been up-and-running for a long time.
Politically, Texas remains one of the better places to own real estate. Compared to most every other state, Texas is business friendly. That's really important when the political climate of the country as a whole is considered.
Although I do use theological concepts and terminology a lot, this isn't a theology blog. But progressivism is a great evil; and it's deadly to a free society. So if you don't wish to leave the country, and you want to find a place that's still business-and-family friendly, then come to Tyler, Texas! Sell your $1.75m property in Atherton, CA, and buy a better home in Tyler, Tx for $250,000!
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