Monday, January 26, 2009 tries, as best we can, to keep you all up to date on the latest economic news. But the media continues to interpret "fear" as economic recession. The facts are that folks aren't buying much because they're afraid; companies are laying off employees because they're afraid; government is pushing the fear button because it wishes to grow and control. And, then, media is picking up all the fear vibes, and they're making things a lot worse than they are.

We're still bright and cheerful here in Tyler Texas. Things are moving along nicely, with all the numbers "higher", rather than "lower". What's that mean to you? It means you ought to own something here. Once again, what's safer for your cash..... a one percent CD in a bank that might fail? Or a home in Tyler Texas. What's safer for your cash...... stocks and bonds? Or acreage around Tyler Texas. What's safer for your cash...... a management account with a brokerage company? Or solid, useable real estate in Tyler Texas and East Texas.


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