Saturday, December 13, 2008


Senators DeMint and Shelby and Corker did us a good job in blocking the auto bailout. Good for them! Now our president will probably send 'em some money anyway. Bummer.

Real estate in Tyler Texas and in East Texas has picked up nicely since Thanksgiving. Here at we're as busy as we want to be.

Nationally, sales of existing home decreased significantly during November. That will hurt the foreclosure rate in January and beyond.

Interest rates are jumping all around, much like the stock market. But we have historically low rates. Those with good credit and a down payment can save a pile of money on their monthly payments.

Real estate remains the #1 best purchase during times of stress. It's solid; you can use it; you can live on it; and it will be there when all of this is over. Any other investment you can think of has fewer advantages.

During down times, your money should be spent on items of value. Your money, right now, should not be viewed as expendable. Get value for it - for right now and for the near future. Storage food and other critical items useful for your daily existence are valuable. Spending some money to reduce other expenses is valuable.


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