Monday, June 14, 2010

SUMMERTIME! And the living is easy........

Well, except for military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, the first-time-home-buyer tax credit is over. At least for the present. I don't think it will be renewed. And that means that the rush to buy lower-priced homes is also over.

Interest rates are still at historic lows, but it can't stay that way long, because government debt is now 96 percent of GDP. If it weren't for the monetary crisis in the EU, the US debt ratio would look terrible! Sooner or later things have got to be going downhill fast.

Lots of folks would love to move to Tyler and East Texas, but they can't sell their nice homes where they are. So it's a bit slow around here at the moment. And it's "summertime"; and it's hot; and it's sticky. But there's hardly a place in the country more suitable to live in tough times. Email me at; or call me on my cell: 903.530.3380, and let's talk about your new location!


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