Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Eminent Domain - Again

The power of eminent domain can be intimidating and overwhelming to the typical property owner. The government comes in with their full power saying we will take your property and this is what we will offer. And you have to take it. If not, we have the right to have people with guns to force you to accept the deal. The Mafia is more subtle than this.

So new laws like the ones signed in Missouri this week empower the landowner. And you know the laws are effective. When city planners and government officials scream and cry about how it will be disastrous for the community, things are moving in the right direction. Because these government functionaries are losing power to create deals and opportunities to help their developer friends and benefactors. And they lose power. And that is a very, very good thing.

Take heart; things are moving in the right direction.


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