Thursday, January 14, 2010


I don't know about you, but I'm not trusting anything coming out of Washington right now. Socialism won't work; and that's the direction this administration seems to be going.

If manufactured chaos is what they're looking for (and it looks as if it is), then they're doing all the right things. That's what is needed to bring down the free enterprise system. If more and more people require their sustenance from government, then sooner or later the numbers don't add up; and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

If, indeed, that's what's happening, then personal real estate is the safest place for one's money. Should a socialist system be on the horizon for the United States, then the place to be is on your own land where you can sustain yourself in bad times.

East Texas has all the factors necessary for independent living. So email and let's start hunting for your dream property.


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