Monday, March 09, 2009


From the Wall Street Journal we read this:

"The U.S. Senate approves an amendment to the economic stimulus package that would provide a tax credit of up to $15,000 for homebuyers who purchase a primary residence in the coming year. But economists are skeptical tax credits will prove stimulative."

The problem is, if you have no job you can't buy a home. If you have no down payment, you can't buy a home. If you have no credit, you can't buy a home! Except for those who still have a job, and for those who have a down payment, and for those who have good credit, what good is a $15,000 tax credit? (Which is as it should be.) If our representatives in the house and senate would just leave the system alone, it would fix itself. Just LOWER THE TAX BURDEN! That's all you have to do. By fiddling with it, you're just exacerbating the problem.

Tyler Texas real estate is an idyllic place to own property in these dangerous times. Come see us!


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