Sunday, October 05, 2008


This is my first post since the bailout was approved. I wrote my two senators, who voted "aye", and I told them that I was going to have to re-assess my votes for the future. It's estimated that there is about fifty times the bailout at risk in derivatives; so the $810 billion thrown at it, out of our pockets, is a mere pittance. Should property values continue their downward trend, foreclosures will certainly increase. And worthless derivative instruments will be added to the ones already there.

Tyler Texas real estate has so few foreclosures that we don't even show up on the radar. And the local banks have plenty of money to lend to credit-worthy customers. Buyers with some cash, and with good credit, shouldn't worry at all about putting their money into real estate in Tyler Texas. In fact, it's the safest place for your cash!


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