Saturday, June 04, 2005

Real Estate Ownership

The founding fathers knew some things that only a percentage of our people now know and believe. One of those things, among many, was that ownership empowers individuals and families! In fact, one’s ability to hold office, and to vote, was enabled by his proof of real property ownership. A deed to real estate was the ticket to a stake in the country’s future!
Well, the country has liberalized somewhat since then, but the underlying principle is still there. The one who owns real estate has a certain degree of command regarding the course of his life; and he possesses a dignity and freedom not otherwise celebrated.
Man has governments under which he must live. But the primary government is self-government under God. And those who do not own property suffer a certain “disengagement” from the society and culture, where property owners enjoy an autonomy and freedom to engage as they choose.
So, there’s a form of disenfranchisement in the absence of ownership; and, for those who do own, a real sense of liberation. This same factor is now being discussed with reference to the president’s ambitious social security reforms. He’s attempting to “empower” men and women and families with ownership of stocks and bonds through private investment accounts. And the idea is that ownership “liberates”; and non-ownership "oppresses". A magistrate that promotes private ownership is also promoting freedom. And the opposite is also true: a magistrate that stifles private ownership is promoting tyranny and slavery.
This realtor, as well as others here at Century 21 First Group, promotes private ownership of real property along with our founding fathers. I do so with vigor and confidence that my efforts for my customers empowers them. I champion their enterprises and encourage them as I contribute to their pursuit of freedom and happiness.
This essay, should you read it, is meant to promote an awareness of the importance of, and the advantages and benefits of, private ownership of real property. Please feel “free” to engage with comments – either positive or negative.


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